How does the teaching and learning at Camp Fairbairn align with the Australian Curriculum?
A good overview is our Curriculum Tree (PDF, 957KB).
While we recognise the opportunity for linkages across many curriculum elements, our principal focus is in the general capabilities strands with explicit links to HPE units.
Personal and Social Capability
Achieving success in virtually every CFOEC activity requires a functional level of group work. Students will utilise and build on their understanding of teamwork. Many of the camp challenges and problems that can only be overcome collaboratively, initially with guidance, and then more independently as their skills, knowledge and confidence build. Along the way there will be conflicts within the group that will need to be resolved, decisions to be made and opportunities to learn and implement leadership strategies.
Critical and Creative Thinking
Collaborative problem solving is a key strategy in the development of critical and creative thinking. Students will identify obstacles and draw on past experiences for ideas. They will need to develop a solution which will require imagination and an acceptance of risk, collaboration with other students will help to refine the plan. Reflecting on the effectiveness of their effort they may need to adapt their strategy or develop a new plan based on their experience.
Develop reflective practice, all levels
While at camp each activity will have a component of reflection to assist students in building meaning from the activity they are engaged in. This can take the form of an end of session debrief, active reflection activities or questioning at critical moments during the activity. Where appropriate the reflection will focus on the stated outcomes of your program however our staff may focus on other areas depending on what has occurred or been observed. Our staff will use a range of strategies to seek contributions from all students.
Become confident, resilient and adaptable, all levels
All aspects of camp life can present challenges for students who will need to adapt from their normal routines and attitudes. Students will build closer relationships with both their peers and teachers as they share the experience of camp. Experiencing success achieved through working together to overcome obstacles and being supported by their peers helps to build confidence and promotes resilience.